Sunday, November 9, 2008


OK have been tagged twice now with this and it was a long time ago. I am so sorry!!!!! Anyway have fun learning more about me.

4 things I love about my husband: His Patience with me, How much he trusts me, How he loves me, and how much I love him and how we have grown in that Love!

4 movies I could watch over and over: Not really and Over and Over again kinda girl...however with kids that list would look like I Love Cars, Nemo, Shark Tales, Enchanted, Surf Up, the list could go for hours. Especially on Insp week.

4 TV shows that I watch: Terminator (with Jed) ,Gray's, Private Practice, Eli Stone

4 place I have been: New York, Alaska, Lake Powell, Jackson Hole

4 places I'd love to go: Lake Powell, New York, Paris, Washington DC

4 things I look forward to in the next year: Working through all the 1st with Dad, going on a vacation with my family, Lillie starting Pre-School, Planting another Garden

4 people I tag: Freak I sucked at this so anyone that wants to! LOL